spring.redis.database=1 # Redis server host. #spring.redis.cluster.nodes=,, spring.redis.cluster.nodes=,, # Login password of the redis server. spring.redis.password=fiberhome_cict # Max number of connections that can be allocated by the pool at a given time. Use a negative value for no limit. spring.redis.pool.max-active=500 # Max number of "idle" connections in the pool. Use a negative value to indicate an unlimited number of idle connections. spring.redis.pool.max-idle=100 # Maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) a connection allocation should block before throwing an exception when the pool is exhausted. Use a negative value to block indefinitely. spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1 # Target for the minimum number of idle connections to maintain in the pool. This setting only has an effect if it is positive. spring.redis.pool.min-idle=10 # Redis server port. # Name of Redis server. #spring.redis.sentinel.master= # Comma-separated list of host:port pairs. #spring.redis.sentinel.nodes= # Connection timeout in milliseconds. spring.redis.timeout=10000 spring.redis.test-on-borrow=true